Gas stove in home

How Smart Security Can Detect Dangerous Gases in Your Home

Steve Coppola
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While natural gas is a safe and efficient way to heat your home, power your cooking appliances and dry your family’s clothes, it’s also a risk to your health and safety if a gas leak occurs. If the leak fills the home with gas while you’re in it, your entire household will be immediately at risk of illness or death. In addition to that, the flammable gas can ignite a dangerous explosion. 

Detecting a Natural Gas Leak

When it comes to a natural gas leak, the best way to detect it is by its odor. Gas companies add the “rotten egg” smell to their gas supplies in order to make leaks more detectable. Other signs of a gas leak include a hissing sound, bubbles or a “cloud” in standing water, visible damage to a gas line connection or plants that suddenly die. If you detect a gas leak, take these steps:

  • Turn off the pilot light.
  • Evacuate your home.
  • Call the gas company or local authorities.

Gas leaks are dangerous, but there are other toxic gases you should also be aware of as well. 

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Also known by its formula name of CO, carbon monoxide is a truly odorless gas that emits from poorly ventilated generators, furnaces, clothing dryers and kitchen ovens. Ingesting it can cause grave sickness or death, and many people don’t know they’ve been exposed until they start feeling symptoms. By that time, they need to visit an emergency room for treatment immediately. In fact, the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control report that 50,000 Americans per year visit an E.R. for CO poisoning.

Detecting Carbon Monoxide

Without electronic carbon monoxide detection, the only way to know if you have been exposed is if you experience symptoms. Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning include:

  • Dizziness, lightheadedness or headache
  • Trouble breathing or chest pains
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Nausea
  • Nosebleeds
  • Eye or throat irritation

If you or anyone in your home experience these, seek medical attention immediately.

Fortunately, you can detect carbon monoxide before anyone experiences poisoning symptoms. Electronic CO detectors, which can be included in your smart security system, are designed to alert you to carbon monoxide in the home right away. When you receive the alert, you can make sure everyone gets out of the house safely before anyone becomes ill. Of course, our central station will also send help to your home right away. 

Radioactive Radon Gas

Radon is a radioactive gas that naturally occurs in soil. It can enter a house through cracks, harming the people inside over time. Unlike carbon monoxide poisoning, radon exposure does not make one ill right away. Instead, it is a leading cause of lung cancer, coming in second after smoking. 

Detecting Radon Build-Up

Radon comes from the breakdown of uranium in rocks and soil. To protect yourself and your family from dangerous radon exposure, test and monitor your home with radon detectors. These are specially designed to detect any radon build-up in the soil around your home. 

These are the gases that pose the most serious risks to you and your family. To learn more about how a smart security system can help you detect these gases in the home, call APB Security Systems today. We’ll be glad to answer your questions. 

About APB Security Systems, Inc.

APB Security Systems, Inc is a family-owned, full-service alarm and automation company that’s been in business since 1977. We provide professional, efficient service and have a central monitoring center in the NYC metro area. With trained technicians and personable service, we’re your first choice in security and automation.